Important even for the smallest merchants: what tools is an e-shop to use to be successful?
E-commerce allows even the smallest merchants to reach buyers all around the globe and to grow rapidly. For an e-shop to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right technological solution, but also to consider the marketing and the payment collection issues. Experts say that e-commerce newbies do not need to worry – the process of the online business set-up is speeded up by the e-shop rental, and the payment collection is facilitated by the payment initiation service.
According to Vitalijus Dubietis, the head of the Verskis.lt company offering the e-shop rental services, nowadays, to start an online business is easier than ever.
“If earlier, the entrepreneurs, wishing to trade online, had to start the e-shop creation from scratch, today they are offered multiple tools that not only simplify the process, but also help avoid common mistakes. While working with hundreds of merchants, we have noticed that they need help not only in creating an online home site for their shop, but also in implementing such vital aspects for the business as choosing the marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategy or payment collection solutions,” said V. Dubietis.
According to the expert, the e-shop rental helps the fastest in dealing with the e-shop structure, design, and marketing issues that arise at starting a business. The “tenants” of such an online solution, get easy-to-use tools based on the best market practices: goods’ upload marketing, search engine optimization systems, applications for ordering, delivery, and even accounting or analytics. Small businesses can choose cheaper and simpler tools, and later to involve smarter integrations as they grow.
“Prompt and cheap start of an e-shop is essential, however, even more important is its reliable operation. Thus, it is particularly relevant which payment instruments the traders will choose. Those renting an e-shop can install banking integrations (BankLink payments), a modern payment initiation service, or other alternatives into their system. We are glad that Verskis.lt customers can also choose the Contomobile-provided Conto QuickPay payment initiation service, which is several times cheaper than the BankLink,” said V. Dubietis.
The payment initiation service allows the merchants to collect payments instantly and to immediately manage the funds collected. This is probably the greatest advantage for small traders. Jelena Mikhailova, the head of the Contomobile Company, which has developed the service, says that the results of the recent years show that the payment collection service is becoming more and more popular among the merchants and their customers.
“The steadily growing number of e-shops using Conto QuickPay PIS shows us that the market particularly needs a cheap and business-friendly solution for businesses of all sizes. In order for an e-shop to start using our payment collection and the most popular ready-to-use plugins, it is enough to just install the Conto QuickPay solution, and the service will be activated in a matter of a few days. We also provide other benefits to the businesses that have become Contomobile customers: opening of the company's current account remotely, convenient online self-service portal with numerous options intended for e-shop merchants, such as automatic transfer of money in case of the return of goods by the buyer, repeating of a previous transfer, or transfer templates to save time when generating orders for customers, the “wait for money” function, which allows smooth operation even in the case of the lack of turnover funds, as this service allows automatic executing of the pre-formed orders when there appear enough funds in the account, and a lot other options”, said J. Mikhailova.
According to the developers of the payment initiation service, this payment method is attractive not only for merchants, but also for their buyers, as the service allows confirming the payment without leaving the payment window. The businesses using this service can also integrate a payment button directly into the invoices being sent by email to even more simplify the shopping experience.