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Rules of Conto Quickpay service provision


Valid from April 11, 2023 

The provider of the Conto QuickPay service – Contomobile UAB is an electronic money institution with the company number 304285884, address Tuskulėnų st. 33C-55, LT-09219 Vilnius, Lithuania, e-mail; Electronic Money Institution License No. 5, issued as of 29 November 2016 by the licensing and supervisory authority – the Bank of Lithuania (; the data relating to the Contomobile UAB are compiled and stored in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania. For more detailed information on the Contomobile UAB please visit

Conto QuickPay service is a Contomobile-provided e-Payment collection service enabling e-shops to accept e-Payments online and allowing customers with an account with a bank or other financial institution to pay for goods or services using a payment card or payment initiation service.

e-Payments are settlements for goods or services made by e-shops’ customers using a payment card or the Contomobile’s payment initiation service.

Partner – Decta Limited, an electronic money institution with the company number 09926210, address Suite 3, Third Floor, 62 Bayswater Road, London, W2 3PH, United Kingdom, providing the services of payment card acceptance and processing.

Payee is a Contomobile customer, i.e., a natural person or a legal entity who collects e-Payments for goods or services in accordance with the Conto QuickPay Agreement and who is designated as a payee in the Payer’s payment card settlement or in the initiated payment instruction.

Payer is a natural person or a legal entity who pays for goods or services with a payment card or initiates a payment instruction using the Conto QuickPay service.

Payment Initiation Service (PIS) means initiation of a payment order at the request of the Payer via Contomobile from the Payer’s account with the Payment Service Provider’s institution.

Payment Service Provider (PSP) means a financial institution (such as a bank, any other credit institution, electronic money institution, etc.) where the Payer has a payment card or account and authorises the debiting of a specified amount, or where the Payer intends to execute a payment transfer initiated by means of the Contomobile’s Payment Initiation Service.

Other capitalised notions have the same meaning as defined in the Contomobile Definitions

1. Subject of the Rules

1.1.     These Rules, which are made available to the Payer prior to the use of the Conto QuickPay service, define the services’ terms of provision, the collection and use of the Payer’s data for the purpose of the provision of the service, as well as the security and confidentiality of those data.

2. Conto QuickPay service features

2.1.    The Conto QuickPay service enables the Payer to pay for goods or services using a software solution developed by Contomobile:

2.1.1.      when using the PIS, to initiate a payment by logging into his/her PSP’s internet bank, authorising an automatically generated e-Payment Instruction, and submitting it to the PSP;

2.1.2.    when settling by a payment card, to provide the required payment card details, and to confirm the consent to debit the card account, which shall be submitted to the Partner for further execution.

2.2.  Upon selection of the Conto QuickPay service, the Payer, at the Contomobile platform, shall be provided with the information regarding Contomobile as the provider of the Conto QuickPay service and Decta Limited as the provider of the payment card acceptance and processing service.

2.3.  Contomobile shall not charge the Payer any fees for using the Conto QuickPay Service. The Payer may be subject to the fees set by their PSP for the relevant type of payment instructions or payment card settlements.

3. Detailed description of the payment initiation process

3.1.    If the Payer agrees to use the Contomobile’s payment initiation service, the Payer, at the Contomobile platform, shall unilaterally on their behalf initiate the submission of the e-Payment to the selected PSP.

3.2.  The Payer, having selected the PSP where the Payer wishes to use their account for the payment transfer, shall be redirected to the internet bank of the selected PSP.

3.3.  The Payer expresses their consent to the initiation of the payment by entering their PSP’s internet bank identification data.

3.4.  If the Payer has more than one payment account at the selected PSP institution, the Payer, at the time of payment initiation, shall select the account from which the Payer intends to make the e-Payment.

3.5.  Based on the data provided by the Payer’s PSP, Contomobile shall automatically generate a payment instruction stating:

3.5.1.    the amount and currency of the payment;

3.5.2.   the name of the Payee;

3.5.3.   the account numbers of the Payer and the Payee;

3.5.4.   the payment details.

3.6.  The Payer may not change the details of the generated e-Payment, except for the Payer’s account, if the Payer has more than one account at the selected PSP institution

3.7.  The Payer, using their PSP’s internet bank identification means, authorises the Contomobile-generated payment instruction, which is submitted to the PSP for further execution.

3.8.  The Payer may not cancel an e-Payment Instruction after it has been authorised and submitted to the Payer’s PSP, except as otherwise provided for by law.

3.9.  Upon successful initiation of a payment instruction, Contomobile shall provide the Payer and the Payee with a confirmation of the initiation of the payment instruction. Notifications shall be made via the Contomobile system and/or by e-mail (if, for this purpose, the Payee, has provided to Contomobile the Payer’s e-mail address). The information in the notification shall include the data enabling the Payer and the Payee to identify the e-Payment operation.

3.10.  In the event of unsuccessful initiation of a payment, the Payer shall be notified in the Contomobile system and/or by e-mail (if, for this purpose, the Payee, has provided to Contomobile the Payer’s e-mail address), immediately after receiving a notification from the Payer’s PSP about the non-execution of the payment instruction.

3.11. Payments initiated by the Payer shall be executed in accordance with the rules for the execution of Payment Instructions established by their PSP.

3.12.   When providing the PIS, Contomobile does not hold the Payer’s funds in its intermediary accounts.

4.   Detailed description of the process of settling by a payment card

4.1.   If the Payer agrees to use the Contomobile’s service of settling by a payment card, the Payer, via the Contomobile’s platform, may unilaterally initiate the consent to debit the card account.

4.2.  After selecting the settling by a payment card, the Payer shall be provided with the information on:

4.2.1.    the Payee (Payee’s logo);

4.2.2.   the payable amount and currency;

4.3.  The Payer shall enter the required data:

4.3.1.    the name and surname of the cardholder;

4.3.2.   the card number;

4.3.3.   the card expiry date;

4.3.4.  the card CVV code.

4.4. After the system has verified the correctness of the entered data, the Payer, by choosing to pay for goods or services with the card, initiates the settling by the payment card, and agrees to debit the funds.

4.5.  If the financial institution – issuer of the payment card is a participant of a security programme developed by the international payment card organisation Visa or MasterCard, when making payments in e-shops bearing the logos of ‘Verified by Visa’ or ‘Mastercard SecureCode” (i.e. the e-shop uses a secure online purchase programme), the Payer shall additionally confirm their identity by one of the secure authentication tools used by the Payer when logging into the Payer’s PSP Internet Bank.

4.6.  The data provided by the Payer shall be submitted by Contomobile to the Partner for further processing.

4.7.  Upon successful settling by a card, the Payer, at the Contomobile platform, shall be notified of the e-Payment made, with indicating the name of the payee, the amount of the e-Payment, the currency, and the payment details.

4.8. In the event of unsuccessful settling by a card, the Payer, at the Contomobile platform, shall be notified thereof with indicating the reason for the failure of the e-Payment.

4.9.  The Payer may not cancel the settling by a payment card after the consent has been given to debit the card account.

4.10.   The funds of e-Payments following the settling by a payment card shall be credited to the Payee’s account in accordance with the Rules and Principles of Visa and/or MasterCard international payment card organisation, the rules for the use of the Cards established by the Partner, and the agreement concluded between Contomobile and the Payee.

5. Responsibility

5.1.    Contomobile assumes full responsibility for the correct submission of the Payer’s e-Payment Instruction initiated via the PIS to the Payer-selected PSP, or the submission of the Payer’s payment card data to the Partner, and for ensuring the security and confidentiality of the data submitted by the Payer.

5.2.  If the Payer becomes aware of an unauthorised or improperly executed payment operation made using the Conto QuickPay service, the Payer shall contact their PSP, in accordance with the procedures and agreements between the Payer and the PSP.

5.3.  After the Payer has duly (i.e., in accordance with the terms of the agreements with the PSP) notified their PSP of the unauthorised or improperly executed payment operations, the Payer’s PSP shall immediately (in all cases, not later than by the end of the next working day) refund to the Payer the amount of the payment operation and, where applicable, revert the payment account to its previous balance, which would have been the same had the payment operation not been unauthorised or improperly executed.

6.Data security

6.1.   Contomobile, seeking to ensure the security of payment transfers and the confidentiality of the Payer’s data, does not store, in its information technology systems, any Payer’s data related to personalised security features (e.g., unique identifiers, passwords, authorisation codes for payment instructions). All the personalised security data shall be provided directly by the Payer during the payment initiation process itself.

6.2.  All the Payer’s data provided during the settling by a payment card or during the Contomobile’s payment initiation process shall be submitted to the Partner or the Payer’s PSP institution via a secure channel protected by an SSL certificate.

7.Processing of personal data

7.1.    Contomobile, by providing the Conto QuickPay service, is the Data Controller of the Payer’s Personal Data. The Personal Data are necessary for the execution of the Conto QuickPay operation, are obtained from all the parties (Partner, Payer, Payer’s PSP, and Payee) involved in the Conto QuickPay operation execution process and are processed by Contomobile for the purpose of providing the Conto QuickPay Service. The legal basis for the data processing is the implementation of the transaction with the Payer (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR) and the enforcement of the requirements of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Payments and the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR).

7.2.  When providing the PIS, Contomobile shall process the Payer’s data (e-mail address, if provided by the Payee) and the payment data (date and time of the payment; amount of the payment; currency of the payment; payment details; the Payer’s account number, if provided by the Payer’s PSP; the Payer’s PSP code; the Payment operation ID; and the information on the success or failure of the payment operation).

7.3.  When providing the service of the settling by a payment card, Contomobile shall process the payment card data (cardholder’s name and surname; card type) and the settlement data (date and time; amount and currency; payment details; operation ID; and information on the successful or unsuccessful completion of the payment operation).

7.4.  During the payment initiation process, the following data may be additionally obtained from the Payer or their PSP, which shall be used only for the purpose of forming and confirming the payment instruction: the Payer’s ID for logging into the selected PSP’s internet bank, the Payer’s account name, the currency of the Payer’s account, the Payer’s consents for contacting the Payer’s PSP for obtaining the data or for forming and confirming of the payment operation, the payment card number, the CVV/CVC code, and the card’s validity period. Contomobile shall not retain those data after the PIS operation has been completed.

7.5.  For the purpose of prevention of fraud and money laundering, the operation technical data are also processed, including the operation ID, the unique operation ID, the end-to-end operation ID, the Payee’s operation ID, the payment status, the confirmation message, its status and type, the session ID, and the information about the Payer’s device (the device’s IP address, the information about the browser used and its version).

7.6.  Contomobile shall process the Personal Data in accordance with the following provisions:

7.6.1.    collect only the data necessary to provide the Conto QuickPay service;

7.6.2.   not to store the Payer’s sensitive data of the payment card and the payment (i.e., such data that can be used to commit fraud and that includes personalized security data);

7.6.3.   not to use the data for the purposes other than to provide the Conto QuickPay service;

7.6.4.  not to make any changes to the amount, the Payee of the funds, or other features of the payment operations.

7.7.  Contomobile shall ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, or any other unauthorised processing, in accordance with the provisions of the legal acts governing the processing of the Personal Data.

7.8.  The data subject shall have the right to request access to their Personal Data processed by Contomobile, to be informed of how they are processed and to request that such data be provided to him/her. Once per calendar year, the data may be provided free of charge, otherwise the provision of the data may be subject to a fee not exceeding the cost of providing the data.

7.9.  The Data Subject shall have the right to request Contomobile to free of charge eliminate any inaccuracies in their Personal Data, to erase the data, to restrict them, or to transfer them to the Data Subject or to another data controller, unless this is restricted by legal requirements.

7.10.   The data subject also has the right to object to the processing and disclosure of their Personal Data to third parties, except where necessary to provide the Conto QuickPay service.

7.11. Depending on the type of the data, the data of the Conto QuickPay service operations shall be retained for 3 to 10 years. These periods may be extended in accordance with the procedure provided for by law.

7.12.    Requests for familiarizing with, correction of, or objection to the processing of the Personal Data may be sent by e-mail to: Prior to proceeding with the request, Contomobile shall contact you to verify your personal identity using reliable means of identification (personal documents, e-identification tools). Failure to confirm the identity of the person making the request may result in the request being rejected.

7.13.   Complaints regarding the processing of the Personal Data may be submitted to the State Data Protection Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania.

8.Final provisions

8.1.   If the Payer believes that Contomobile has infringed their rights, the Payer shall have the right to make a complaint, and Contomobile shall investigate it in accordance with the Complaints Policy.

8.2.  The Payer shall have the right to lodge in writing complaints about the payment services provided by Contomobile at

8.3.  The application of the provisions of these Rules shall become effective when the Payer settles with a payment card in the e-shop or initiates a payment instruction using the PIS provided by Contomobile. By using the Conto QuickPay service, the Payer acknowledges having read, understood, accepted, and agreed to comply with these Rules.

8.4. The interpretation and application of these Rules shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

8.5.  Contomobile reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Rules at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon publishing.